Page 1 - FDMAsiaMayJun2022
P. 1 Are we At the end of the Covid sAles boom? May/June 2022
Furniture Design And Manufacturing Asia Established Since 1986
influenCe of servitisAtion
on teChniCAl effiCienCy
And Progress in the furniture
mAnufACturing industry
diversifying forest
lAndsCAPe mAnAgement
in AustrAliA
inCreAse the use
of low-density wood
Furniture Design And Manufacturing Asia Established Since 1986
influenCe of servitisAtion
on teChniCAl effiCienCy
And Progress in the furniture
mAnufACturing industry
diversifying forest
lAndsCAPe mAnAgement
in AustrAliA
inCreAse the use
of low-density wood