High-quality pellets are typically produced from coniferous sawdust. However, achieving comparable quality from alternative feedstocks, such as broadleaf wood, often necessitates pre-treatments or additives. In this study, an alternative statistical approach was developed to evaluate pellet quality in comparison to the constant thresholds reported in the technical standard. By Rodolfo Picchio, Rachele Venanzi, Aurora Bonaudo and Angela Lo Monaco, University of Tuscia, Vincenzo Civitarese, Council for Agricultural Research and Analysis of Agricultural Economics, Francesco Latterini, Polish Academy of Sciences


Silver birch (Betula pendula) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) wood boards were thermally modified with a special focus on increasing dimensional stability and reducing hydrophilicity. The research expands our understanding of the thermally modified (TM) process in a closed system under pressure of nitrogen and its impact on the water absorption capabilities of wood. By Guntis Sosins, Juris Grinins and Prans Brazdausks, Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry, Janis Zicans, Riga Technical University


Brazil stands out as one of the largest manufacturers of MDF in the world. The industries are concentrated in the south and southeast of the country and are primarily based on the use of Pinus and Eucalyptus wood, which are available in extensive planted areas. In the northern region, there is only one MDF industrial plant. Despite an abundance of potential raw materials in this region, there is a lack of studies on native species wood and their industrial waste utilization for MDF production. By Victor Cezar Nepomuceno Ribeiro and Geraldo Bortoletto Junior, Universidade de São Paulo


A study to evaluate the composition of oriented strand board (OSB) panels and the potential of using a mixture of three Amazonian wood species that have been underutilised by the Brazilian wood industry demonstrates that the studied species have potential for use in the manufacturing of OSB panels. By Diego Lima Aguiar and Victor Hugo Pereira Moutinho, Federal University of Western Pará (UFOPA), Geraldo Bortoletto Júnior, Ivaldo Pontes Jankowsky, Luana Candaten, Debora Klingenberg and Elias Costa de Souza, University of São Paulo (USP), Annie Karoline de Lima Cavalcante, University of Brasília (UnB), and Paula Surdi, Federal University of Viçosa (UFV)


The remarkable development of timber construction technologies in recent decades has led to an increase in the number of timber buildings worldwide, including multi-storey buildings. It is important for designers to have an overview of existing timber structural systems and their specificities to be able to make the right design decisions during the design process. By Miroslav Premrov and Vesna Žegarac Leskovar, University of Maribor


Wood is a renewable material that can store biogenic carbon, and waste wood can be recycled to recover bioenergy. The amount of energy recovery from the waste wood can vary depending on the type of wood and its chemical and structural properties. By Shahjadi Hisan Farjana, Olubukola Tokede and Mahmud Ashraf, Deakin University


Foreign trade belongs among the main sources of economic growth as classical theories of international trade affirm. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the impact of trade balance flows on sectors generating different value-added in the wood-based industries (WBI) of the Czech and Slovak Republics. The multivariate regression method (MLR) was applied to identify the relationship between foreign trade and economic indicators and also specific indicators assessing impacts of foreign trade on the economy of wood-based industries. By Andrea Janáková Sujová and Katarína Marcineková, Technical University in Zvolen, Václav Kupčák, Mendel University in Brno


Small wooden furniture businesses in East Indonesia feel pressure from the furniture businesses of the West Indonesia, in particular from Jepara, due to a fierce international rivalry. The study found that market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation, and innovation contributed to leveraging the competitiveness of small furniture producers. With this model, the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and innovativeness shows a positive, significant, and the most dominant of all structural causal relationships in the model, with a small-high effect. By Dr Jusni Jsuni, Dr Andi Aswan and Riandha Ridho Hafizh Thaha, Hasanuddin University, Dr Muhammad Hakimi Mohd Shafiai, Universiti Kebangsaan, and Dr Gunawan Baharuddin, Pancasila University


The overall reduction in the environmental impacts of the construction industry is a complex process that requires methodological and applicative studies on the evaluation of the sustainability of the life cycle, related to both individual product and of the building system as a whole. This research aimed to develop a methodology, applied to timber building systems, to mitigate CO2e emissions during the decommissioning and disposal of the building, and then demonstrated the possibility of making the wood construction process circular through a zero-emission approach. By Giacomo Di Ruocco, Roberta Melella and Laura Sabatano, University of Salerno


There has been an upsurge concerning the concept and application of ‘co-management’ in the governance of natural resources in Bangladesh in recent years. However, the overall approach to implementation has been overtly technical in nature; and there has been limited attention to sustainability dynamics. This article aims to explore aspects policy and practice within co-management in the coastal forest zones of Bangladesh. By Niaz Ahmed Khan, University of Dhaka, Junaid Kabir Choudhury, Bangladesh Forest Department, AZM Manzoor Rashid, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Mohammad Raqibul Hasan Siddique, Khulna University, and Karishma Sinha, Independent University Bangladesh

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